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What's the sweetest thing your partner has done?


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Depends on the girl. Some girls might think of it as being sweet, but most girls would consider that intention a doormat move. "Didn't he have anything better to do than drive 6 hours? Doesn't he have friends or a life? What a loser." I've heard that so many times.


I agree, in a way. It does depend on the girl, but perhaps more the nature of the relationship between the two. In this case, it didn't come off that way because a) we were quite close as friends already, b) we were both devoting quite a bit of time to each other talking on the phone despite our busy schedules, and c) he really didn't have a lot of free time, so it meant a lot to me that he was willing to take his day off and spend it hanging out with me because, being six hours away, our hangout time was severly limited.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that, as you said, the same action can come off in completely different ways depending on circumstances. It all has to do with reading the person with whom you are interacting, and more importantly, understanding the nature of your relationship (whether it be platonic or romantic). Probably one reason some really nice guys and gals come off as creepy or doormat-y/clingy is that they just haven't learned to read their situations and relationships well enough yet... (though some are, in actuality, just plain creepy)

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