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Masterbating to Orgasm

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Hey whats up, I just have a few questions about coming to Orgasm when masterbating. I've had sex about 20 times, and I've never had a real orgasm before! I really don't even know what it feels like!! So I think if it ever came, I might not know what it is! So my questions are as follows..


What kind of stuff happens when you have a clitoral orgasm?


What kind of stuff happens when you have a g-spot orgasm?


I kind of want to find out myself what spots are good for me, because my boyfriend can't really find them. So what are some good techniques that I can do to come to orgasm just by using my finger? It sounds weird, but I'd really like to try, but I have no clue what to do!! Thanks for your help [/b]

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Here's the deal:


You will KNOW when you have a REAL orgasm. It will feel great from head to toe.


Here's my question: Why is it that you can't get yourself (masterbate) to one? You may either need to relax more or whatever, but you should be able to get yourself there. How old are you? I have found that girls in their early 20's and older have no problem getting there. Are you still in your teens?


The G-Spot (some consider it a myth) is not a separate orgasm. It's a place inside of you closer to the front of your body, that if touched, will give you extreme pleasure. Have your lover angle his penis towards your belly.. you will probably find it then.

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Well actually I'm 19. The only reason I've never really come to orgasm, is maybe I haven't tried too much. Haha.. I dunno.. I think it's kind of weird when I do it myself.


Ive had these feelings before, but I don't know if they are just because I'm aroused, or if it's part of the orgasm. Like getting intense butterflies (almost like i have to pee), shaking after intercourse, tensing up. I haven't gotten anything too extreme though. Does this mean I'm getting there?? agh im so confused!

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Your state of mind probably has a LOT to do with your difficulties in masturbating.

The fact that you said "I feel kinda weird..." speaks volumes. Mind and body are closely connected, especially sexually. No matter WHAT you're doing physically, if your mind is saying "no" or "yuck, this is gross," then it's not going to happen. You should take some time to really think about your issues with your own body. Why do you have hang ups? You could chat with some people on this website about your feelings about masturbation, not just the mechanics!

There are some great books out there all about women and masturbation. You should probably get one.

I also seriously doubt that you've had an orgasm during sex if you're still not sure. The only way to really find out is by masturbating and feeling comfortable with it. Once you've taken yourself to the limits of your arousal, there will no longer be confusion.

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