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Is Friends with Benifits the wrong thing to do??

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Ive been having sex with this guy for about 3 weeks now. He has made it very clear that he wants a relationship with me. Im only 18 and he's 28. First of all Ive told him that im not ready to settle down right now. I still have things i want to do such as college, and just being a teen. He also has a 2 yera old child, and that is another reason why I really dont want a relationship with him. Am I doing the wrong thing by sleeping with him. He told me that he understands if im not ready for anything more right now. The sex is good and i enjoy it I just dont want to hurt anyone or myself. Please give me some advise beofre i go CRAZY Thank you very much!!!!!!

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Well, i'm kinda getting help now but ill try to help. I actually think hes a bit 2 old for you. Maybe you should find someone like 19,20 or 21 to start dating. If you really dont want a relationship with this guy i suggest not to sleep with him because if you decide to leave him he will be hurt thinking you used him. Thats my opinion.

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If you don't want anything more serious right now, then you should not get too much more involved. he is a lot older than you and has a child. those things are not going to change. he may be a great guy, but it sounds like you guys are in totally different places in life. if you think he can handle it, then friends with benefits is fine. but it sounds like it might be a dead end for you and maybe you should move on. good luck!

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I'd think long and hard about if you're looking towards wanting to progress TO a relationship with him, or not. If not, then be forthright with him, because it sounds like he's thinking he's going at your pace, with a relationship as the goal in his mind, while you're by no means ready for that. The most important thing is that he understand exactly where you're coming from so he won't be building his hopes in a direction that you're simply not on the same page he is. If you would consider moving it up a level later, that's a different story, but make sure it's not wishful thinking on his part that's making it ok with him so he won't feel disillusioned and hurt later.

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For a woman who is 18, sex can probably be had on just about demand. If you are willing, I am sure you can find a guy who is too. And that goes for almost any woman. So he is not the only alternative. But if you want a friends with benefits relationship, then you need to find someone who you are physically attracted to, friends with, and neither of you has any desire to make it a relationship. It's also best if you both know how to be discreet and keep it on the "down low." Finally, there should be an understanding regarding what you are allowed and not allowed to do with others. Can you date? Go out with? Neck? Flirt? Have sex? Etc. What type of disclosure is involved? You both should tell each other immiediately when you have been with someone else, you need the disclosure for STDs. Finally, one person wanting a relationship and the other want friendship with sex is a recipe for someone getting hurt.

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