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Girlfriends serious ex is coming to her 21st birthday

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I trust my girlfriend and love her very much. The other night a lad our age (21) was trying it on with her and being really slimey, even though I was there and i felt r.uncomfortable with it and told my gf how i felt, which made her upset as he is a friend of her friend; and she said shes wit me. Now i've learnt I've got to accept that in a relationship there will be guys doing that and maybe I should jus smile and hold her hand when their around more so they know im wit her (for some reason i feel weird doing that when they are talking to her).So thats kind of sorted but last night she asked if she could invite an ex boyfriend who ive seen but never met to her 21st party.I said id find it really uncomfortable as he was a serious ex but she said im 10 times what he is and not to worry as i will be in her bed at end of night. So i;ve kinda said i don't mind and she can invite who she likes. Basically its not far away and I don't know to act around him or my girlfriend on the night with him there ?

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Honestly, don't be such a little girl.. if you don't like something another guy is doing to/with your girlfriend you have every right to go over and let him know... Most girls would evn appreciate such a notion.. looks chivalrous even... If you see a guy doing something you don't like you could always just go over and give her a kiss, hug her real tight, maybe even feel her up real quick (if she's cool with that in pbulic) to let him know she's off limits, if he persists let him know and be preapred...


But the 21st birthday thing.. just keep her close... that's all ya gotta do, make sure she's right by ya and all will be well

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