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when no one is watching

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What do you do when you're sure no one is watching? When you have no need to impress others, what is it that truly impresses and fulfills you?

The foundation of success is built in the moments when no one else is watching. What you do in those moments, when nothing is expected of you, is an excellent measure of who you really are.


Others can encourage you and nag you and intimidate you into taking action. Yet the real and lasting accomplishments will come when you take your own initiative, and express the best of who you are.


When you are free to do exactly as you please, what is it that you do? When nothing is expected of you by others, what do you expect of yourself?


The moments when no one is watching are moments of great opportunity. For they are your chance to determine and develop the person you most want to be.


You can go through life merely appearing successful, or you can actually experience true success and fulfillment. The difference depends on what you do in the moments when no one is watching

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I (probably) like most people pick my nose and hunch over when no one is around. I at all times (when people are watching me) have my shoulders back, my tummy breathed in and a half smile on my face. At home in the privacy of my own bedroom have been known to have red spotches on my face where I have picked at 'under the skin' pimples and my hair in a scrunchie right at the top of my head!

Its not pretty I know but I suppose it is 'the real me'. I don't know who I prefer - 'the real me' with red splotches, a clear nose, fat splurging out. or the me in public with my head held high, supposedly clear skin and perfect hair.

I suppose I like the a bit of each.

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I liked your post.


I too pick my nose sometimes


Seriously, I think. I think about my plan and my future. It looks as if I'll be going into Seminary this summer. I've spent the last year praying about that.


I think your post is terrific. Our success in life does solely rest on our own shoulders.

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When no one is watching, well if I'm at home I'll sing in my room and not worry about cracking a note and I'll dance just because I'm bored.

If I'm at school and not very many people are around, I let myself get lost in thought, I'll sit in the middle of the grass under a tree and do my homework.

But with me, even if people are watching I'll still be 100% me. I've learned to let myself be me and not really worry about having people see who I really am. When I'm driving in my car I'll sing and do the car dances people do. Walkig through stores I don't put on a show, I'm totally me. If I feel like asking a question out loud I'll do it.

I'm sure I probably have certain thins I do when no one else is around or watching, but I don't really ever notice. I dunno, I figure that one day someone that sees me walking around will get to know me for me, whether people are watching or not, so they might as well get used to me from the first time they see or talk to me.




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i like this question *smiles*

well for me, my mind is too complex for myself, lol, i seem to over analyse things that have happened or are to come, i seem to worry more when im on my own and show emotions just because no one else will have to deal with them.

i usuall dance for some reason or sing. but i dont enjoy being on my own or being quiet so i usually end up with someone else. i guess it doesnt work too much for me then. sorry.



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wow, very nice thread topic, i never would have thought about it


i as well pick my nose, but i do that when people are around, except more non chal....yeah. lol


whenever i'm alone at home or somethin i'm the same around my friends, i play video games, i sing to songs that i shouldnt even try to sing, think about a particular girl(s), talk about girls n whatnot, think about life, love, friends, family, god, death, and just things like that. some of the stuff i think about really scares me so i dont like being alone when i start thinkin about god and death and afterlife n everything , i start to scare myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey im luthren too. one of my friend is going into the seminary at concordia...i dunno where.


what do i do when i'm alone? i write sometimes. it's very frustrating stuff, writing. you can never say what you're trying to say. the emotions and half formed thoughts in your head somehow never can be successfully put onto paper. some people can write so they make people feel these emotions. i envy them.

what else? i listen to music. if you don't listen to music you will probably go insane.

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  • 2 weeks later...

when im alone hmm lets see i listen to tons of music and run around with a tank top n shorts usually n just dance lol..ive talked to myself befor too i unno lol thats kidna weird but ill like type my friend a email or im and say it while typing..n also hmm take a shower with the door open lol umm when im alone i tend to write a lot of poetry n read it aloud even tho nobodys listening..u know what ive been scared bout??


what if the president has spy thinggys in all our homes and we cant even be ourselves there because theres a record of what we are doin..thas kinda scaryy hhuh?? lol my dad got me thinkin that way..hes a very skeptikal person and thinks everyonesagainst him lol..

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