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Need some opinions on tiz...... need help.....

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Shld I have a joint bank account with my gf to start saving for marriage? She is not keen on the idea and thinks that we shld only have one when we are married.


I need some opinions on this. So is it nt appropriate to share a bank account b4 marriage? Or is it just too fast?

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How long have the two of you been together? If your relationship is only a few months old I can see why she's freaked out. Have you talked about marriage before? Are the two of you engaged? If the answer to either of those questions is no, then I don't think you guys should share a bank account. Besides, are you sure that she's trust-worthy? I hope you considered that. However, if the two of you are already engaged and she doesn't want to share an account, consider the fact that she may be getting cold-feet. Marriage is the ultimate commitment, and she just may not be used to the idea yet.




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I'd wait until you are married. If the two of you should break up, its likely one person or the other would clean out the entire account. Getting that money back is very unlikely since its a joint account and you aren't married (and thereforeeee not entitled to half of marital property).


Play it safe, wait on the joint accounts till you are married.



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