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Trying too hard


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I have been told my friends and even girls that I try too hard. I happen to, when it is quiet and there is awkward silence, try to make a conversation regardless of what the topic is just to break the silence. I think this attributes to me trying too hard and I am wondering what I should do?


Should I stop this habit of always trying to start a conversation and sit back and be quiet for once. And also, can someone give me some basic tips on how to get a girl to "like" you. I know I blew it with one girl when I knew she liked me but I blew since I kept on running my mouth.

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Well, no offense, but sometimes you just have to shut the old pie hole and let things ride. I don't quite see the conflict related to you breaking the silence, that seems to be a bit of a conundrum to me. If you are the smart ass type though, try using the line "Fat penguin, thaty'll break the ice" sometime. At least you will illicit a laugh out of a few people, though I must caution you about the frequency with which you utilize it, like one time only!


With reagrds to the verbal diarhea you experiencing, just learn to shup up once in a while. That is all. Just shut up. I am confident that it will solve at least a few of your problem.


Oh, and another thing, ask the girls, especially ones that you know, trust and maybe even like - for if you like them, they might come to realize it - that si a good thing by the way, what it is that you should be doing. They will be flattered that you asked for their advice and you will have their attention for a while.


Best of luck!

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