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Oh wow, I have never heard of that! LoL.. especially after one time! I'm not going to draw to any conclusions and say that she cheated on you.. but you shouldn't rule it out as a possiblity. The other possiblity is that maybe she has being masterbating a lot.. with either her fingers or a dildo..? So don't draw to any conclusions just yet.. I would confront her about it.

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well, the reason i asked if people thought Dayna had been cheating on me is because her best friend, who just so happens to be my ex, said that Dayna told her she had cheated on me. I don't know if I should believe what she said because she got mad at Dayna for having sex with me in the first place, because i wouldn't have sex with her.

I don't know!


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Well, I talked to Dayna about it today at school and she got really mad that i suspected her of doing something like that. she said she didn't know if she wanted to be my girlfriend anymore if I can't trust her.

She also said that she thought that I was cheating on her. I don't know what to think!




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just tell her that you don't know about a girls body on what would do that and just stuff like that. just tell her it was a mix up and you thought that someone said you were and you just wanted to confide and in her and just kinda laugh cuz you know she wouldn't do that to you and that you wouldn't do that either to her.

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