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What should I wear when dating?


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The best thing to wear depends on where you are going for a date. Generally, I would wear something appropriate for where you are going on the date and adapt slightly for the woman I was dating, and I would try to date at or toward the better end of those who are going to be there. If you are someplace where evey other guy is in jeans and t-shirt, anything else is out of place. So you should wear better jeans and a nicer t-shirt. If I had to pick a standard uniform, it would be khakis and an oxford shirt with button-down collar. If you are going out with a woman who dresses like she was at Woodstock in 1969 or is always ready to go to a formal dance, you need to adapt for that.


Appropriate is the first thing to do, then work towards being better dressed. Women want to be with a guy who is a good dresser, but not overboard or ostentatiously so.

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it really depends. if you are going to like a fancy restaurant, it might be nice to dress nicely. if you are going like horse back riding, then you wouldn't dress up so nice. if your going to the mall, then you would probably just want to dress casually. i think it mostly does depend on where you are going & what you plan to be doing. some times its even nice to just dress up nice for dates, but i wouldn't suggest that if you know your date won't be dressing up.

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These guys are right - dress for the occasion.

Just because your casual though , doesn't mean you gan't look good! if you're...and wearing just a tshirt and jeans, make sure they are clean , ironed etc. Don't just wear any old thing!


If it's dinner at a not too dressy place, or a coffee...you can't go wrong with a nice shirt and a pair of jeans.


Make sure you are well groomed- obviously have a shower, shave (if need be), maybe put some product in you hair, a bit of cologne (not too much though!) and make sure your shoes are clean



Girls really appreciate a guy that takes the extra effort to look good - trust me.

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Unless your date is to a wedding (or a funeral), keep it casual. Wear your BEST, NEWEST casual clothes. Keep 'em straight and clean. You want to give off a good impression without going overboard. Sure, it does depend on the situation, but you'll find yourself the centre of attention if you wear a tux to a rave.

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