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my girlfriend and i have a beautiful realationship.but she recently made a commment that she likes when i'm doninant....how do i become more dominant. we're both VERY femme so i'd like to become more aggressive, how do i do that. she said she'd like me to treat her the way i treat guys....in bed i'm aggressive but outside of bed i'm not how do i become more dominant?

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What I would suggest is making a study of human nature. By that, I mean watch what other people do when they're in a dominant role. Generally, this is more likely when there's a couple with a dominant male, or when there are a group of guys hanging around, and some are more dominant than others.


Some things to try are making more of the decisions. For example, when considering what movie to go out and see, make a decision and state it. This kind of thing will help get into the dominant mind set. Tell her where you'd like to go for dinner etc.


Are you sure you want to do this? And of course, this stuff is all coming from a male perspective.


Anyway, when you're out, make the first move. Take hold of her hand if you want to. (Not sure what you're like out in the world!!). Put your hand on her upper arm, or on the small of her back where you're moving through a crowd to direct her where you're going.


Another way you can feel dominant to some extent is to take care of her. Hold the door open for her, open the car door for her, that kind of thing. It may seem a bit odd in your case to always do that type of thing, but it might help with the mindset. If you take care of her, you'll expect just a little something in return. You'll be slightly more in control that way.


Does this help at all?

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