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I Like this guy but dont know how to ask him out!!!

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I have a major problem. I have this guy friend who ive known for like 5 years, but just lately I have had an interest in him. I told him in an email that i do like him. But he cant respond back due to he doenst have a comp except at a friends house, and lets not forget this guy is extremely shy just like me. We both are living with our parents at the moment to save money so its kinda hard to invite each other over ya know... or were around the group of friends!

My problem is how can i let this guy know that i do like him, and that i wasnt jokin in the email? or what are some signs i can give~ but keep in mind that we are both very shy~


Scared and confused

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ummm Ok flirting for Shy people....I'm going to try my best here, Bare with me because I'm not really the shy type. i was at one time and i think i might have some pointers to share with you..


try these


Look his way, Smile...Not like this more something like or even a would be good.


Tickle him, walk up behind him and stick your Fingers in his side.


laughing at almost everything that seems funny, Not everything, Everything...just when you think it's proper to laugh and say something like "god your funny"


As for the E-mail, I would of not sent a message saying "I like you" instead i would of put something like XoXoXo on the bottom, to ya know get him thinking a Bit, you can even mention him as "hun" or "sweetheart"

you know those pet names....Arghh I tried my best keep me posted!

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Hey Hotlipz, there are some great tips for flirting and such on this site...


Also, these tips on shyness might be helpful too...



I find myself, that looking them in the eyes and smiling once in a while helps, then looking away almost bashfully. Always being cheerful when they're around too. Sail gave a few good ones as well... but there are some good ones on the links above.


Of course, if you've been friends for as long as you say, it could be quite difficult to get him to notice you in that way... Good luck and keep us posted

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i sort of agree with the previous 2 posts. It is hard for ur best friend to notice you if you have known each other and stayed as friends for the past 5 yrs. i am facing the same problem too.


But the difference is throughout the times we knew each other, the initial stage we were just shy acquitances. But only as we got a little older, the times we went out more increased, and then feelings start to develop. But, he had a gf all along and i didn't want to do anything about it since he was happy with her.


BUt now, things have gone bad between them and i had hints about it since last summer. So I am just taking things slowly and one step at a time. I haven't told him how i felt about him. But if i do, i will prob tell him that on the phone or when i see him. Email isn't the best medium. Do try to be nicer and more relaxed.. =)

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