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What to do with Ex-gift?

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Hi SpecialOne,

Usually a gift received needs not be returned. However, if the gift given to you means something more to them than you, I would think seriously of offering to return it to them. Otherwise, by all means...give it to charity or the various homeless shelters or even animal shelters around you. Better to pass on those gifts than to sit in your closet collecting dust!

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Depends, how did you all break up? Was it a good break up or a messy one? Do you have any pleasant memories with some things? If you do and have no real objects, you can keep some stuff. Then again there are other people who prefer getting rid of stuff or burning it or something. That's a little drastic. You could return it, but if it was given to you as a gift, it would be an insult to return it. It's really up to you.

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Interesting topic!


I guess it depends on what the object is, really, and how you feel about the relationship.


For example... my ex and I just recently decided that we should just cut contact. We left on good terms, so all I have now is good memories. If I see a photo of her or us, it does bring emotion, but not all bad. These emotions are okay... as long as you don't live through them, or use them to "hang on" to the past. I can honestly look back and smile.


As for "objects", I have many gifts from my ex. I have a coat and a jacket, a watch, etc. All of these things are things I like, and she knew that. She knew I would "want" these things; she didn't want these things to be symbols of our relationship. That's where the difference is.


So, in short... if you feel awkward hanging on to these things, then by all means give them to someone who can enjoy them. But, if you still like them and want them for what they are (not to hang on to the relationship), then you shouldn't feel wrong for wanting to keep them.



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