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is there a Dr. in the house?


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well, a while back i had some questions concerning me and Pregnacy, well i did what some have told me to do, (pregnancy test) like 2 weeks ago when my period was 6 days late. well it said that i wasn't but im really wondering about it. i mean i ended up going on my period like 3 days or so after that, but i am getting worse, i am eating everything, i am getting more tender in the chest, i am really tired, and my stomach is now kind of starting to not just look big like when you eat a lot (you know how it will only pock out in the bottom?) but now it is starting to look bigger towards the top of my stomach like near my chest. is it possible that you can have periods and be pregnant, if i am then i am only like 2 or 2 1/2 months along. and is is possible that the test was worng? i am concerned, does anyone here know a lot or well anything about this, im only 17 and very worried.


love Qtpie87

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Hey, QTpie.


I don't think that you have anything to worry about.

You've been eating pills as well right? But if you're really worried about it, I suggest you check it up at a doctor or some youth clinic.


Did you ever stop eating those pills? Perhaps that could be the reason why there's a change in the menstrual cycle, mood and hunger.


Good luck, wish you well.


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i suggest going to the doctor & have them give you a pregnancy test. tell them all of your sypmtoms & stuff. Just in case something is wrong with you, i don't think its completely normal to have all these things happening at once. (actually i really wouldnt know), but it would never hurt to just go get checked out.

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Yes, you can have periods and be pregnant. Myu chidrens mom did with both of my children.


But, it is too early for you to start showing if has only been a little over a month late. Most women do not show until the middle of their second trimester. The eating is probably due to depression. Well, I guess most of these symptoms could be blamed on depression, but for your sake goto a doctor and get checked out. That's what they are there for. I will save anymore comments that I have for a later date.


Good luck



P.S. Do you want to be pregnant? And why?

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yes and no, no because i am too young and i am already having trouble with my disease, a lot of trouble! and because my boyfriend left me so i wouldn't know what to do. well if he came back then maybe?...?and yes because someday i want to have a kid, just not now.

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i have diabetes and i have just been going through a lot right now and my dr. says i need to find some way so calm down and get rid of all my stress or my insulin wont work correctly (it has been like this for like 3 or 4 months now) and something really bad could happen to me. i could die and i am pretty close to that point if i don't hurry and get better. i still have a chance though and i am working on it really hard.

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Well now you really need to pray you're not. As for him let go dammit let go. It does get better with time trust me. You must be strong to the fact that it is over and move on. Sorry so blunt, but you aren't listening, what we are saying is going in one ear and out the other. Please, listen when I say that he is gone maybe not forever, but he is gone for now and you must be strong for yuor own health. If you have not tried counselling then please do and get yourself over him it is going to kill you and you know it.

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It is true that having your period is not a 100% sure way to ensure that you are not pregnant. It is normal to have spotting or minimal bleeding during the first month or two of pregnancy (following that, it may be a sign that something is wrong with the pregnancy). So, if you are still concerned, you may want to see your doctor, Planned Parenthood or your local teen health center.


What could explain these rare cases of periods during pregnancy? There are two possible explanations:


1. Hormone levels aren't high enough. In some women, the hormone levels in pregnancy aren't high enough to prevent the lining of the womb being lost in those areas where the placenta isn't attached. So sometimes a woman will have one episode of bleeding or more in the first month or two of pregnancy (and, rarely, throughout the pregnancy).


2. The bleeding is due to something other than a period. For example, a pregnancy-related cause of bleeding, such as a tubal pregnancy, or another cause, such as polyps on the cervix. In these cases the bleeding isn't usually regular like a period.

I think it is very very unlikely that you are pregnant, as you describe 3 separate bleeds which fit into a regular cycle (especially if these are a month apart or whatever your normal cycle is). Also, the heavier the period, the less likely that you could be pregnant.


To be sure, either way, please your doctor.


Good Luck.



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I tend to concur with the general comments made earlier in the thread, it doesn't sound all that much like you're pregnant. As I understand it, there is no noticeable or visible change in your size for quite some time. That's likely due to something else. The soreness you describe is potential result of being pregnant, but there are other things that can cause that, right? Isn't there a time in your cycle when you're sore there anyway?


Do you have reason to think you might be pregnant? You were on the pill, it you've stopped and had unprotected sex, of course there is a risk. On the other hand, just stopping the pill, based on how you describe the reasons you went on the pill in the first place, you may have odd periods, some heavy, some light, moving around by a few days. With the lack of regularity comes different feelings physically I'm sure as your hormone levels are quite likely to be fluctuating as well.


You're beating yourself up about things, no wonder you feel so out of sorts and worried about your health. Try to calm yourself, and not get so tense and stressed out. I know its hard to think that way sometimes, but it will get better.


It can be difficult to listen to reason, and have good judgement when you're in such emotional turmoil. We do the best we can to help, and hope that you're able to benefit. Our advice is offered freely, please use it as best you can.

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