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Unfortunately, I do not know of support gtoups, however, maybe you could try to contact a group called "first 5" or check the internet for baby care and see if anything comes up. I wil do some research for you and see what I can find. I am so sorry you have gone through that. My regards...

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That is a difficult subject. One that we should hear more about. Most people don't like to talk about them too much.


There are probably a lot more miscarages than people realize...


I had my baby at 8 months, and he has a lot of learning challenges.



Life is full of highs and lows. I might look into genetic counciling when you are ready to try again.


Love yourself and your boyfriend and work on being with each other in this time of need.


Just like any other ending, the pain will go away little by little, day by day...Be good and don't beat yourself or him up over it!

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Hi July,


Unfortunately I am not much of a help to you, other than sending you my support. Like sisterlynch is saying, time will heal all wounds eventually. I also suggest that you stay close to your boyfriend and help each other through this difficult time.


I send you and your b/f my warmest regards from The Netherlands, Europe. Good luck in this healing process.


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 2 years later...

i just had gone through the same thing so i'm sorry for your loss i know how hard it is .. i never got any help for me and i wish i did. but usually if there is like a place you can go in your town to get counicaling (sorry if spelt wrong) or what i have heard of ppl doing is asking there doctor or the hospital..

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