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'I'm not ready for this right now and for a time i was with you, i thought i could spend the rest of my life with you. But after the event, it just went down'


That was what my ex told me last night when i met him at 2 am. The event he referred to wasn't cheating or so. It was just a particular thing that i told his ex gf, and his ex gf went to ask him about it. N he got pissed with me.


It has been 1 mth since i broke up with him. 1 week since i didn't see him and contacted him because i wanted to focus on my work. I did move on in terms of my life - work, play. But i didn't move on with my heart and emotions. The heartache and pain is still there.


We spoke, cos he asked me 'what's wrong.' i just told him the week was horrible since i had many classes and didn't manage to go home until 10 every single night. I told him i missed him and the time we had because in the past, when i get back, he will be there with his arms open for me and just hold me and made sure things were fine before he let me go. I missed the security that his small gesture gave me. I told him that.


I told him i missed the times when he called me aft classes or aft training to tell me how it goes. N i wanted to revert it back. THings are impossible to revert back i know but i still want him as a person.


I did break down into tiny sobs when we spoke and he dried my tears for me. He was like 'don't cry, it pains me whenever i see u so upset' 'when i saw u in school, u seemed so upset. ur friends and u were talking, but u didn't seem like u want to be there either.' Does this Concern he has for me let me gain any chance back together at all?


when he says 'i'm not ready' does it also means that 'you stand no chance with me anymore?' I can't stand this torture that i am going through right now. it is absolutely mind-wrecking for me.


Anyone in similar shoes before but the ex-bfs/ex-gfs came back to them?

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hey, i sent you a private message asking some Questions that i thought would be important to know before i go shotting my mouth and giving opinions on something i don't know everything about. well yeah, just pm me back and then i will see what i can do. i am here for you -k-

love ya,


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