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UPDATE on ex situation

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Me again! always find this place gives out the best advice if you don'yt know already trying to get back with my ex after 5 years together and 5 months apart-it's not been easy but we seem to be getting on very well just like we used too but taking it slow.


Only problem is all she talks about is her brief relationship she had 2 months ago he didn't treat her well so she left l listen because l'm her friend as well yet at the same time it really hurts that everytime she opens her mouth it's always about him-every song is a reminder ect ect apart of me just wants to say to her did you ever talk about me in the same way after 5 years together l find it all rather insulting that she doesn't stop to think!


And is it really possible to be a rebound after that long together? surley this other guy was the rebound we'd only been apart for a month before she met this guy...really what the hell is wrong with people



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hey senna me and u r in the same position, im back with my ex after a 7 month break, she had someone else as well...


just wondered how ur finding it, were taking it slow..going on dates etc..it seems to be going well..


do u have that niggling doubt that she might do it again...i know this will go away eventully but its hard to have that in the back of mind..


this is what i want and i know it will work, but its tough feelinjg like this sometimes...


would be interested to know how ur going with it..

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hey Senna


LOL i understand why you would find this irritating. i bet it would be very annoying her always talking about some guy she was with briefly as apart to your 5 years. Its just a phase she is going through, which only patience will cure. i know it will get to you, but just try and ignore it and change the subject whenever she brings it up. pretty soon she will be more focussed on your friendship, not this guy.


Her reaction obviously says she had feelings for this other guy, regardless of how he treated her. She probably STILL has feelings for him and thus, always talks about him. Just try and keep her focussed on your friendship, and she will soon loose interest in the other guy.


Be a good friend, and who knows, in the near future it might become more again. Just dont expect anything from her now. let these feelings she has slide, then you can come roaring back into her focus


Best wishes and take care



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Hey street,

lt's nice to know that someone else is in the same situation, l've been going through hell missing this girl so much so it's really hard when all l hear her talk about is this bloody guy drives me crazy


l'm dealing with the situation because l still love her and she still loves me and l know when we get past this stage everything will be fine but it's getting past this stage that's the hardest part-don't know about you but l guess deep down l'm afraid that l might be second best to this other guy but maybe that's my own insecuritys taking over l guess sometimes you have to think positve-even though it's really hard to do after the past 6 months l've had.


I hope it works out for us both

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It is a terrible idea to wait for a person who doesnt love you anymore, a woman who loves you will never talk to you about other guys, because she may think that would disappoint you. She sees you as a friend who is there to listen and nothing more.


Its better for her to have many friends in case she needs one to go out than staring at the walls.

If you want to be her friend (that is obviuosly not what you want ) then look for other women.


Just think about this: What if the other guy would've treated her nicely? She would be with him, wouldnt she?. Move on man. Dont make the mistakes I did myself waiting for months. Luck.

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I've listened to what you say and l agree yet at the same time me and my ex never split up because we didn't love each other and l guess l could say if we never had that big argument where l said unforgivable thing's 6 months ago maybe we'd still be together as well-but you really can't say thing's like that.

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