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I could just scream. My ex wants to call me, but he doesn't want to see me, and he was the one who broke my heart. I just don't get it! I am the victim here and he is playing like he is. We decided to go to a movie tonight and then he calls and cancels. I want to give up on him, but something is making me stay in limbo, any suggestions?

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Well clearly he enjoys having power over you. You need to take charge of your life. I suggest distancing yourself from him for a while. Maybe tell him not to contact you for a week or 2 just to help you get your head on strait. Clearly the relationship you currently have with him isn't working for you.


It's hard to let go of something that was once so dear to us, I know. However, you have to understand that the relationship you once had is already gone. You are clinging onto a shell of that relationship. Do you not deserve more? I hope he isn't using this to mess with you more, but he very well could.


Do not give someone the power to control you; he has proven himself to be an unsuitable BF now he has proved himself to be a poor friend. Let this person go out of your life. There is no benefit to having them around anymore.

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I agree with the crookster. Go on with your life. The hope will fade with time, but until it does do not start another relaationship. Just casual dates for now. Time heals all and now you must realize that the relationship is gone and over. Hope is a bassic human emotion that humans have. This emotion is how we look forward to events and things. When something good happens to us, then we hope to have something good happen to us again. You have the right to hope that a great relationship is waiting for you, but from what I can tell Your ex will never amoun to aa great partner. He has failed you in the passt and will in the future. Thaat is the hardest thing for me to realize about my situation. Hope is like pain it will disappeaar with time.

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