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He-man woman haters club

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Ok, for those out there that have any memory of Our Gang/Little Rascals, the episode with the He-man woman haters club has been on my mind a lot recently. I went and googled it and found it on orbit. It was as I remembered.


The episode is called "Hearts and Thumps". Spanky, Alfalfa and Buckwheat all agree to swear off women with the following pledge:


“We the the he-man woman haters club. Promise not to fall for this valentines business. Because girls are the bunk”


Immediately following the pledge the story goes on...


Darla walks buy and winks at Alfalfa and his heart thumps under his coat. They head off to have a picnic that Darla makes for them. Spanky swaps out the cheese in the sandwhich that Darla made with soap. Alfalfa complains that the cheese is strong. Darla says “Don’t cha like it? Cause I know plenty of boys that would” Alfalfa replies with, “Oh please Darla, I’ll eat it, I like it”


Just pathetic. I am pretty sure that’s how I got into this mess I am in now.


So, on this day, July 6th, I pledge to swear off women for a week. No eye contact, no smiles, no flirting, no nothing. I'm tired and exhausted. My heart can't take it. I know a week is not that long, but I also know that the ladies are what make this planet worth staying on. Any guy intereseted in joining simply reply with "Girls are the bunk" in the subject

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Heartless, manipulating, needy, lying, cheating, selfish....


And because we men are so STUPID women know if they aren't getting 110% of what they think they are entitled to, they can find it with any other man - because all we want is sex and will always do ANYTHING for any woman in order to get it!.


Women know this and know they can simply move on when the "it's all about me" attitude gets to be too much for their current mate.


This is the circle of life.


I really do despise women.

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Not only does Spanky never apologize for dangerously poisoning his best friend (soap can cause internal bleeding, you know), he can be seen at the end of "Hearts Are Thumps" gleefully engaged in the destruction of personal property in the form of Alfalfa's valentine to Darla. The jealous little hellion! Why, he should have gone straight to bed without supper that night.


For her part, Darla was unaware of Spanky's dark subterfuge. All she knew was that Alfalfa was balking at her very nice (by Depression standards) picnic lunch. It was easy to see from her face that her delicate sensitivities were wounded; I submit that the subsequent head toss and passive-aggressive taunt were the result of temporary non compus mentis wrought by Alfalfa's seemingly inexplicable rejection of her love offering.


The question at the heart of my testimony is this: might our own misgivings about the actions of the fairer sex sometimes be similarly misplaced? I poll the men among the jurors at hand: who among you has never done a good woman wrong - and should they, then, turn their collective backs on us for a week?


The defense rests.

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