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confused about what to do here....mixed signals or hostility from this person?


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This girl(iranian) is sometimes looking at me,other times she doesn't want to talk to me,other times i look at her and she looks away what's the deal?I just stay away because it's a pain in the ass,but anyway,i have tried to be as polite as possible and make up for ways i have come accross9i was a jerk to her and she was a bit of a bytch)but it took about 2 years to do so(she goes to the sdame health club as me..Still mixed signals.Someone please help me out...,I don't know if its racial,with me being asian american or what,but maybe it's the problems i gave her in the past?(she got upset and left the gym one time,,but there were other times where she pissed me off.0that's where the bretalitionof me verbally saying things to her came.

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bretalitionof me verbally




Anyway, perhaps she's just nervous. Or perhaps your just nervous. Or perhaps neither of you are of the nervous persuasion in general terms, but when combined you form some rare, steady-state temperment which causes a chemical reaction resulting in severe bouts of nerviosa. Perhaps.


But sometimes, people just say and do dumb things. Potential mates will do that to you. I liked some woman once. She seemed to like me too. We always flirted together. One day she asked me to go Halloween shopping with her. We went together, had fun, picked out our costumes, had a great time. I said something to her that compelled her to say "That was mean". I can't recall the verbiage. I can recall, however, that subsequently I said....


Me: "Well, I've been trying to be mean to you because it's been my goal to make you cry. Actually, that's not well stated... It's been my dream in life lately to make you cry."


Her: "Why would you want to do a thing like that? What's your motivation?"


Me: "Well, again, as I mentioned, it's all a part of my dream. In this dream, I collect your tears in a glass jar. The jar is actually an old, ornate jam jar that I have stowed away for just this reason. The goal is to collect all your tears and then seal them in the jar so they don't evaporate. Don't tears evaporate? I don't know for sure. Anyway, I will also mark the progress of your tears over the course of years, someday hoping to reach the top... and all with only your tears.


In summation, it will be a jar of your emotions, and it will be all mine. In a way, someday, I will own your heart this way. Once I own your heart, I have not yet decided what I might do with it. I could keep your heart, display your tears on my mantle, or perhaps I could sell your heart to the highest bidder. So tell me... how much is your heart worth?"


Her: "I think that you're really mean."

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Cool story Jettison ...twisted but cool. I might need to recycle that if I need to repel someone


I need to write a new flash fiction book. I use to write this stuff all the time and put it in this little fanzine and sell it at the comic store.... when I was in my early 20s. Gave that up a long time ago. This story is true though. I don't know why I felt so compelled to tell her that. She stopped talking to me shortly thereafter. A few weeks ago, she sent me a random email that announced her engagement. Strange that she included me on that.

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Bitter, wanted to "stick it to you"...the guy who wanted to collect my tears etc, etc.

If you're published (cyber or paper) Jettison, then I'd be interested in reading your stuff. PM me if you like.


Thanks Clem... If I wasn't so damn busy these days I'd start a new collection. Maybe I'll start an online zine.

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