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is she too young for me.

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Hey, I am firstly a girl, and this other girl likes me and I am beginning to like her back, the only problem is that she is 13 and i am 18, she is mature for her age and I can talk to her like I would someone my age.. like i have never thought omg, what is she on about or how immature of her 2 say that.. like i would with a normal 13 - 14 year old. I was wondering if there is a legal thing about me going out with her becouse shes underage even though we are both girls? and if we hide this relationship.. and went out anyway - is it wrong for me to be going out with a 13 year old? when i'm 18.. ??

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Yes, there are still legal problems with this. You are an adult, she is a young child. Does not matter if you are male or female.


She is still very much a child, whether she seems "mature" to you or not. I think you should try to find someone closer to your own age.

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To get straight to the point. As far as a legal question. The person has to be 18 years of age. And just to scare you alittle. A friend of mine was 20 years old, he was seeing a 17 year old. They ended up sleeping together. She told her parents (for whatever reason) my friend got arrested. They charged him with rape, even though she consented and addmitted to that after the fact. The state picked it up. Well let me put it to you this way, attorney's fees were $15,000, he got 1 year house arrest and is still on it. Then after the first of the year, he starts 10 years of supervised probation. So I really suggest you date someone in your own age bracket. One screw up and he goes to prison for like on the low side....five years, and he never had any kind of record. He wishes he had never met this girl.


Drop this like a hot potato....and fast



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Just to add to the discussion - some states have lower age of consent laws. Florida is 18 as kuhl mentions. I'm not sure where you are at - or whether you are not in the U.S. But nearly EVERYWHERE would have serious problems with an 18 and a 13 year old. We are talking prison time. Not just probation.

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I'm a bit confused with what you mean. You didnt mention 'sex', but that is what everyone else is referring to. Is that your intentions? As the other mentioned, if you have any intentions of 'sex' then i would drop it for obvious reasons. If you just want to hang out and be in a relationship then i cant see anything wrong with that, because she is according to you 'mature' and sensible enough.


Good luck

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You may get grief from her parents regardless of whether you're just friends or not. And if you have these feelings of attraction, you'd be tempting fate to even hang out with her. My mother most definitely didn't approve of me hanging out with anyone older than, say, 15 when I was 13, male or female.


I would be VERY careful in your contact with this girl. Not to mention that, at 13, she's JUST starting to be aware of her sexuality and I'd be highly surprised if she already knew she had lesbian or bisexual tendencies. At any rate, as everyone else has said, she's a child. It would do her a disservice to approach her with the intention of dating her at that age AND encourage her to think that she truly does have lesbian tendencies! Mature or not.......we ALL thought we were mature for our age at that age. Looking back on it? We were a bunch of foolish kids, and I know that, for myself, 13 was the worst year of my life, with the hormones arranging themselves and my body going through the changes it was, etc.


I would gently dissuade her from any close contact with you, for her sake and yours. The law frowns upon that age difference, and NO state has 13 as an age of consent, I'm pretty sure!



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