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please read whole post and reply, i really need help thanks!

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so i put a post on here about how My ex and i ended up doing it last night and it ended up he just wanted some and didn't really mean anything (love) and well today i talked to him and he is so horribly sorry that i can not stay mad at him. i love him so much. well heres the thing. last night when i was mad at him he was like go ahead and tell anyone you want because he thought it would make me feel better, i told him that i wouldn't do that to him out of respect for him, however i did it anyway. and know i feel horrible. i told my friend just because i needed to tald, but i also told someone that has a rather large mouth, i really didn't know that she would say anything. I told my ex that i had told them because i felt like he had the right to know and now that we aren't fighting about it any more i feel like the biggest @#$%! in the world. he is so worried that it will get around school which it prob. already has and he will be known as the player with a !#$% for a brain. well, i don't know what to do now. he forgives me and he said he had it coming to him for what he made me think he did that for, but i don't think that he does deserve it at all. he has always treated me so good up till the last month or so and i have been telling him what a horrible person he is for hurting me over and over and over again just to repeat it, but now i am the one who hurt him. how can i try and make it up to him. i said sorry, but he deserves more than that because i love him. Any ideas? P.s. i think that i may be pregnant but i am too embaressed to go and buy pregnancy tests. the thing is for people that know about side affects of pregnancy is that i have been getting, and please don't hate me for asking this i know its gross but i really get a lot of help on things from you guys that i cant really ask anyone else, welli have been getting constipated, and not really hungry but i have been craving things and i have been really really tired and i have had some pains in my stomach so i haven't gained any weight yet but if u were to be pregnant then i think i would only be about one month along at the most so what do you think? please i love everyone to give their opinions because i can get honest answers here and you guys just really mean a lot to me and help me through out a lot of rainy days so thanks.

well thanks for listening

love QTpie87

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i really think you better get a pregnacy test dear cause it may not be your pregnant you may just have soemthignelse like cyst on your overies that can cause pregnacy symptoms or something else the only way for sure is a test don't be emabarrased it's normal and life and the only way you'll know for sure.

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You MUST get a pregnancy test. It is vital for your health and for the health of your baby if you are pregnant. You need to receive medical care if you are pregnant, and if you are not there may be something else going on with your health.


Can you ask a friend to buy a test for you? I know you are embarrassed but you are going to have to put that behind you and take care of yourself.

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Some of that could be stress as well - but get a test one way or another - you DON'T need any additional stress worrying about this on top of everything else!


I can tell you - my first symptom was the breast tenderness - and tenderness didn't even describe it, maybe 2-3 weeks along, I couldn't even bear to sleep on my side or wear a bra. Didn't last more than a few days, but it was pretty painful.


You can always get a preg test through mailorder if embarrassment is an issue too. Here's one link:

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And honey - IMO, you're not owe him an apology, even if his intentions weren't bad, he knew you were still hurting and not over him, and knows he hurt you by having sex with you under the circumstances. He probably won't feel better, maybe worse, if you don't let him take responsibility for that when he's trying to. Forgive him if you feel you can - but don't take away from him the right to be responsible for what he did, in the long run it will help him.

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...how young folks run their relationships. I remember the process and it was arduous, driven mostly by hormones and a strong desire to copulate at the drop of a hat.


First of all, if someone disrespects you, they need to do so ONLY ONCE before you show them the door. Period. If you let them do it a second time, you are sacrificing your self esteem for a piece of tail and that has terrible consequences. It's the leading cause of why people can't stay by themselves for very long after a breakup...their closest friend is out to get them!


As far as constipation goes, you might try drinking more water and laying off of sodas, coffee and caffeine of any kind.


Don't be afraid to get a pregnancy test. You can go to a crisis center for them...I think they give them out for next to nothing. The sooner you know what you need to do, the better off YOU will be. The folks that staff most pregnancy centers KNOW how it feels. The INSTANT someone tries to shame you, walk away. Don't let moralists who have no empathy for people's humanity waste your time.


If we designed society correctly, we'd probably have younger kids copulating and popping out kids like bunny rabbits since they are the ones most able to do so and recover quickly. Then we'd have older adults actually raising the kids since they have the requisite amount of experience to do a good job rearing youngsters. But, notice, we artificially create this tension in people based on religious misunderstanding and oppression, with the end result being profit opportunities for those in the world poised to take advantage of all of this excess sexuality that has nowhere to go but to the mall -- to shop, of course.


Once again, take a look at why you love people who disrespect you and hurt you. If you're in a long term relationship, the rules shift a bit, but not much. Anything inside of a year that features you eating miles of someone else's crap in order for things to, "work out," is a giant red flag for dysfunction and trouble. But it's trouble that can be fixed so that life is more fully lived with the joy-quotient at its maximum for you.

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QTPie, You need to get a pregnancy test, I know that it is weard but you just need to get one. Dont care what outher people think and get one. But if you are too afrade to get one your self then get a friend to get you one. (I have had to get pregnancy test for my friends before) But that is the first thing that you must do. I have to agree with morrigan with what to do with your ex. Well I hope that this helps.

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