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Sometimes I try to be friends with my ex so I call her to get coffee and she says yes then we meet and discuss thing for a little while. Sometimes I call her and the things that she says aggrivates me. I guess I am still mad at her for not wanting to get back together and for having slept with other people and loosing the gentle side that I use to know. I know that I don't love her anymore but was is it that causes me to think like this? She just doesn't have a heart twords me sometimes I am glad that I am not with her in a way. I use to think that maybe I said the wrong thing and thats why she gets mad at me but now I just think that nomatter what she is never going to be happy with me. I guess I will always be sad about this because at one point I loved her with all of my heart. Its amazing that after a mutual breakup because we wanted to each explore this came out of it. I made the mistake of being friends with benefits and this is where it got me. I guess I am just venting and sometimes I just want to vent at her. She never seems to loose her cool which is a good thing. Perhaps she thinks of thing in a different way but I suspect that deep down inside she is mad at me because out of nowhere sometimes she will say things that are hurtful.

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first I must say that you are not a loser at all, in fact I think youre a winner to even come to this forum and admit your feelings. I thinkyou need to start seeing others, I think if not just to relax and get some peace it would be good for you to focus on something in life other than her. She sounds like she can say "boo' and you still love her so ofcourse it hurts. Give you and her some more space and try to pull away a bit.

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