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Hm, She knows I like her.. and she used to like me ( She may still for all I know) but yeah, we talk casually and stuff but starting last week she has been more friendly.. she been hugging me and stuff.. and interlocking her arm with mine and stuff.. at it's gotten more frequent as the days pasted on. Mark I also told her last Saturday that I didn't really like her anymore.. But I still do, even more so now. um, I was going to ask her out friday but I froze up and then after school.. I had to leave before I could.. I don't know.. if she'll say yes or not.. because about 4 months ago she went out with my cousin then a week after broke up with him when I asked why she wouldn't really tell me.. all she really said is that she wasn't really good with relationships.. and stuff. then she later told him (about month ago that she wasn't going to talk to him anymore) about anyhow.. the entire time From what I have witnessed she has showed me more emotion.. and stuff.. plus she is grounded and the grounded rules are strict and strange.. she is also not allowed to talk to guys.. while being grounded.. so yeah.. Do you think she likes me and will say yes when I ask her or what?.. I'm sorry for the unstructurness of this post. and something may be misspelled and stuff.. but yeah.. I don't know..

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If she has been touching you and showing you more attention than normal that most likely means she likes you. Ask her out, what do you have to lose? The worst she can say is no, and by asking her you can get some closure to this thing. If she says no then you can move on, if she says yes then you can begin to work on resetting the foundation for your new relationship with her.

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i agree with X ShadowDreamz X , from what you have said, it seems like she likes you. i don't think you should worry about what she will say because worrying is only going to make you worried & then you will keep putting it off until its too late. if she knows you like her, then she's probably kind of expecting you to ask her out especially if shes being more friendly with you. just do it & get it over with before its too late.

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