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tired of worrying

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Im in need of advice ,Ive been feeling really low lately Ive also have had thoughts of suicide,but Ive never went through with it..I just feel as though my life has no purpose Im fighting a battle that I can't win.Im just so tired of trying to achive something and getting no where in life.Im trying to get my GED but I always seem to fail the math portion hired a tutor and Im still unsure about if Im going to pass it .I come from a very dysfunctional family I do not get alone with any of my realtives,they always have the ability to make me feel stupid .Ive lied to them about having my GED in hopes of them accepting me but nothing works.... Im tired of trying to be accepted by these people.The only support I have is my husband and they dislike him also...I want to have a good job .....Im tired of being a nobody... Im sick of living this life this way. My husband has a great job and is very out going and Im nothing like that..... I feel like a thorn in my husbands side I wish I could be all the things he deserves instead of this shell of a woman that I am ....Its hard having a learnng disability I just want to be normal

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you shouldn't feel bad or anything because of an exam. you are not supposed to be good at everything. every body has her/his own talents and abilities and if it is different from other people no need to feel stupid or anything. you are just different, I am sure there are many other areas that you have talent for and can be successfull in. as long as you are a hard worker and have desire that is all that matters. I am not saying that dont try to pass your GED, but also try to do stuff that you are good in so that you can get your confidence back. just do your best and I am sure you will be ok.

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I think that the fact you try so hard is already a quality in itself. Don't be so hard on yourself and think about the good things you have in life. Talk to your husband and people close to you about problems like these, don't hesitate to do it.


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Thanks for the advice,I really needed to hear something positive.Im also getting back on my meds ,hopefully some of this anxiety that I have will go away.I cried non stop one night just so fearfull of my future I thought I would have it together by now but I don't everything just seems so uncertain..

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