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Sort of a different situation.....

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Ok, so I like this girl and pretty much know she likes me, the only problem is she is a close friend, very close, we can talk about ANYTHING together and joke about anything too. I know I would like to ask her out only there is one problem....we are totally different, and by that I mean I am 5'8" 220lbs. and she is dwarf........ Now I know what you are thinking...So what? Who care what people think, only problem is I do care, and currently am very popular in my school(Freshman in HS) and don't want to risk losing friends over this because I like the place I am at except for this little delema.....PLEASE HELP! I know this sounds self-centered but the main reason is that I am only PRETTY SURE she likes me...you see she has told me she only likes other dwarfs in that way, but later on said she had never gotten "far" with a guy and really wanted to know how....while asking this I felt a kind of vibe that I cannot describe...again.....PLEASE HELP ME!

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I don't know what your problem is bud. If you really loved someone, you'd care for them more than you yourself. So what if she's not the best looking girl around so what, do you really like her or not? Maybe you just want her for some one night stand action I dunno but if she likes you and you don't like her, don't go out with her, it'll only cause complications.


There's another thing you should think about, do you want real friends or respect from people who respect not only coz of who you represent but you urself as well.


Happy Heb

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