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Is it possible to fall in love with a friend???

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Hey i know this girl who is great andd i like her as a friend and more but im not sure if friends can fall in love

if two friends (of opposite sex of course) talk all the time everyday and are very clos, what are the chances of a relationship happening , my friend always jokes and says we are made for eachother but i doubt it what are the chances of it pleez help out.

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In my opinion, I think friends can fall in love. Infact, most love relationships start out with the couple being good friends first. And now that I think of it, I have a crush on one of my female friends, so I think I'm in the same situation as you are as well. Just whatever you do, stay good friends with this girl you like, even if the both of you end up being lovers.

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of course thats possible. in fact that happens a lot. some times people fall in love with their friend, but don't want to tell them because they fear that it will ruin their friendship if their friend didn't feel the same way. or if both friends fall in love, they are afraid to start a relationship in fear of it ruining their friendship if they break up. do you have feelings for your friend? it seems like maybe she has feelings for you because she tells you that you both are made for each other. in my opinion, if you both like each other, you should go for it because if you don't, you will always wonder what would have happened between the two of you. who knows, you could end up getting married.

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Thanx but i think ur confused the girl isnt the one who says we are meant for eachother, its 2 of my other friends, the think me and the girl are gonna end up going together. what are the possibilites of us goin together and what are signs thaty she is interested pleez help

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My method to find out is this: Ask her what type of guys are she attracted to, personality and physical wise. If you are a guy who skinny and tall, and she says she is attracted to short and fat guys, then you are pretty much out of the picture. When asking this question, don't ask out of the blue because she may find it weird. Take her to a romantic movie and ask her afterwards, or watch a those many romantic reality tv show and then ask her. Good luck!

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