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Covering Up Blemishes

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Ever since my teens I've had the problem with Acne. I think during my late teens 18-19 I got it quite bad and I went to see my GP who then put me on some pills to help reduce the chance of more breakouts. I think they were Minocycline. I was on them for about a 1½ years until my GP took me off them as my Acne was improving. After a while though it started to come back. Ever since then my Acne has had it good and bad times. It's only around now (22) that it's started to subside. I don't get very many on my face now; just the occasionally few spots and maybe a bad one every couple of months. It's also spread to my neck now which was clean before but Im not to bothered about that.


Since my spots really aren't bad enough to be put onto anymore pills, Ive tried other products like Benzoil Peroxide, various facewashes and soaps. I had to stop using BP though as my eye lids reacted to if very badly once and they become swollen for days. Apart from it's side effects, it may be what has cleaned up most of the Acne on my face and back but I can't really use it anymore. I just use a facewash and soap now.


My man problem now though is the blemishes that the Acne has left. I would like to know of any methods to help reduce there appearance or help them heal faster. I know fake tanning or make-up can help clear them up but it seems a little going to far. A natural tan is not an option as I live in the UK and seeing the Sun is a rare sight. I would prefer to use some more subtle or natural methods.

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My Acne was very severe, but I took an oral medication called Acutane. It 'is' the most powerful acne treatment as far as I know. You have to have weekly blood tests, women cannot take it or handle it unless they are on birth control due to it can cause birth defects. I went from having cystic acne to getting one or two zits a month tho over the course of 2 years of treatment. It's certainly worth looking into.

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i dont know what makeup companies are popular and readily on hand in the UK but if you have Clinique in one of your malls or even order it off line they have this coverup stick for acne but it also helps get rid of the marks and even the acne your covering up while preventing more breakouts. If not then im sure some other company like MAC or Benefit will have something similar. Also you can go to get a chemical peel, my cousin had some burns on her chest from when she was a teen and she tanned over the burn and it left a weird mark that looked like a huge birthmark and the chemical peel took care of it so im sure acne scars would be even easier to remove. Also take some vitamins that help your skin

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