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he said to try something new


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Hey, before i have posted about wanting my ex back, well he just wants a little space and thinks that i am young and should date other guys so that i can know all that is out there. well i still am very in love with him, but i decided to back off a little like he wants and start going on some dates. i just want him to be happy. So heres the deal, i liked this guy a few years ago and he is in my english class now and my friend and i were going to see if he would like to get to know me and go out on some dates. One problem, my ex is the one who asked me out, i don't know if i can do it. Im so shy and i haven't even ever really talked to him. So my friend thinks that i should just walk up and be like hey baby, but that isn't really me. well its today that i am talking to him so please help. thanks love QT

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well that sounds like an idea, only i want to come on a little more strong in the whole i want to get to know you thing. hey if any guys read this then tell me would it freak you out if a girl never really talked to you, but she came up to you and said, " hey you know i was thinking about it and i want to get to know you, you seem like a pretty cool guy and maybe we could go hang out on saturday and get to know eachother." what do you think about that? like honestly because i don't want to sound lilke a stocker or some freak that well ya'all know what i mean. today is a short day at school for us and it is already 9:40 and 4th hour. i have him my 7th hour so i only have like an hour and a half to figure out what I'm going to do. another thing is he is popular and im not because i get along with everyone at school and i don't segregate people, but I'm still wondering if he wont want to hang out because of that fact. 8) well thankyou. please keep the inputs coming. love QTpie87

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I think if you can say those words or something close to it he'd really like it. Most guys really like it when a girl shows interest. Not to mention most of us are pretty dumb when it comes to reading more subtle signals women give us. I think it is always better for a woman to come right out and say "I'd like to get to know you better".


Now if you come up and say "I think you are the most wonderful thing I'd ever seen - would you be the father of my children" - well THAT probably would be coming on a bit strong


Don't worry whether he is popular or not. Give it a try. You'll never know if you don't ask.

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