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This Sunday my boyfriend moved with his mom about 2-1/2 to 3 hours from where we lived. I am not sure if I will get to go with him or not or if he even wants me to. I told him he needed to be sure that he wanted me there before I made any changes in my life because I have had a past experience of fixing to move, changing everything, resigning from my job, and a week before we moved he dumped me. He told me not to long ago that he wants me to go, and that he thinks things will work out once we are away from the mess we are living in now. I am not so sure he feels the same way now. I am scared, and I miss him so much. I can't sleep at night because he is missing from our bed. I love him, and I really don't want to lose him. I am supposed to take his stuff to him Friday when I get off of work. I am so scared that he is going to tell me he doesn't want to be with me anymore. I don't know how much more heart break I can handle. I know he doesn't want to hurt me, but I don't know what he wants. Does anyone have any advice on anything I should do or say?



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I called him this morning because I needed to know what kind of oil to put in the car. He called me back, and said I woke him up. He said he was going to go though because he was tired and I woke him up. I said I don't want to hear about being tired because I haven't slept well the last 3 nights. He ask me why, and I said because something is missing. I feel kind of left out to I guess because he is catching up with all his friends. It has been a while since he has really got to hang out with them and stuff. He also doesn't like to talk on the phone. I am also freaking out because I can't read him. All my other boyfriends I could read like a book on how they felt about me and stuff, but I can't read him at all. I just don't want to lose him.



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I agree with SwingFox here. I do praise you for wanting to move on. What would change if you couldn't go with him? Have you discussed this with him? I don't mean call him or email him and bring it up... I mean sit down and talk to him about the entire situation and the outcomes of all possible solutions?


Maybe, that would help.. I currently live almost 3 hours away from my boyfriend, but we are fine. We often fuss because we were used to seeing each other at least 3 or 4 times a week and now we just have the weekends. I am sure that if you are truly in this relationship for the long run (and he is too) that all will work out for the best.


GOOD LUCK! Keep us posted.



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That is what I fear is that he is not in this relationship for the long run. I know the 2nd day we started dating he said I was a dream come true, an answered prayer, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Later he said things change though. I don't know how he really feels about me now. I am so confused, and I don't understand. Not to long ago I ask him if he felt the same way about me as he did when we first started dating, and he said no that it was stronger. I am probably panicing over nothing, but we haven't talked much on the phone, but he hates talking on the phone anyway. I don't know I just wonder if he misses me as much as I miss him. I guess I need to chill and see how it goes Friday, but I am so scared it will be a disaster just like it always is.

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my bf hates talking on the phone too & he goes to school an hour away, so we only see each other on the weekends. instead of calling each other, we email each other ever day & just tell each other how our day went & what we did & stuff. maybe you could email each other? one thing you need to learn in a relationship is to not try to read your bf's mind. thats only going to make you think up stories & stuff like you are doing now. i know its hard not to think some thing is wrong because of the way he is acting, but there is so many things that could be going on with him. he just moved, he's probably got a lot to do & he's with all his friends who he doesn't see much. he also might not want to talk to you because he misses you & talking to you will only make him miss you more. i suggest just waiting until friday when you can talk to him face to face & ask him what he's feeling.

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Thanks so much for the advice. It is really helping me. I don't really try and read his mind. I just knew with my other bf when something was wrong, when they were happy, when they were sad etc. Just an observation and understanding their moods and expressions. I am not able to do that with him. I don't even try anymore. Your right though I shouldn't try because it makes me think crazy thoughts. I need to just sit down with him this weekend and talk with him. Hopefully I will get a chance. I may have to wait until bed time b/c that is not something I want to do in front of his family and friends. Thanks again for the help. I feel so much better.


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