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After Spring Break...


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Disclaimer: I'm really bad at dealing with guys. Just throwing that out there.


Over Spring Break I took a trip down to California with the rest of my track team. Well, spending forty hours on a bus in eight days, you're bound to get to know people. I got to know this one guy a lot more than I did (since he's a distance runner and I'm more of a sprinter) and we definitely did a good deal of flirting on the trip (though it was more of the fifth grade type of flirting, really... see disclaimer )


Anyway, he's fun and cute and if nothing else, I'd like to get to know him even just as a friend. However, since we got back about a week ago, we really haven't even talked much and the couple of times I've tried to start up a conversation with him, he hasn't seemed that interested in talking to me.


So my question is... should I just chalk the whole thing as the type of flirting that happens when you're on a week long trip with the same group and just peters out after or should I make a few more efforts to talk to him (without, obviously, being overbearing, pushy, and/or creepy)?

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If thats your real pic then as long as you don't approach him with that facial expression you should be fine. But if you really find him attractive then go for, because you will regret it later. And yes don't be overbearing, because if you crash and fail, it will seem all the worse.

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i thought you had a bf?


but if he was stuck on a bus with you he was probably bored and talking with you. especially if he is kind of avoiding you now.


I used to... we broke up a couple of months ago.


And yeah, he probably was just really bored. Too bad. He was cool-- seemed like he'd be a fun person even just to be friends with.


So it goes.

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