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what's the deal with this girl?


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Okay. A few weeks ago, (MLK weekend) my school had a ski trip, that I went on. It was a five or six hour busride. There was this girl, that I like, but only thought she was hott at the time, who sat in front of me on the ride up. At the beginning of the ride, she asked me to get something out of the overhead compartment. No big deal, I'm taller than her. But then she talked to me a little, we made a few jokes etc. I had a shirt on that said 'Crass' on it (which I had written myself with a sharpee). She asked why it said that, and I told her about the band Crass. She started calling me 'Crass' even though she knew my real name. She kept joking around with me, using that name and stuff. She asked me who I liked, and whether I would go out with certain people, etc. I suspected she liked me. I would call her my friend now. She always smiles at me, and it looks like she's looking at ME, and smiling, not just my general area. Today, she called me by my real name (my REAL real name) and I asked how she knew it. She said she looked it up in the directory, and we started talking again. I'm planning to ask her to a semi-formal dance, which is in three weeks. I don't know if she likes me, but I suspect it, and I don't know if I should ask her or not. Please advise.

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