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Christmas Gift Dilemma! HELP PLEASE

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Ok I have a problem. So today I bought my girlfriend a christmas gift. I spent around 150 dollars, there lays the problem I don't know if she can swing spending allot of money on me right now. I just don't want her to be embarrassed when its time to exchange gifts and she just gives me a CD..don't get me wrong I would be fine with getting just a CD because she was the one that got it for me but i'm just worried about how shes going to feel when she finds out how much I spent on her. (should I return what I got her and get her something a little less?)


and get this she just got back from a trip from Florida and since she has been back she has been acting kinda stand offish, so now im thinking should i even bother getting her something of this magnitude if she is going to act like this...maybe shes just tired or misses her family in Florida im trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.

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It doesn't matter if she misses her family or not. She shouldn't take her problems out on you. Instead, she should seek comfort in you.


I don't like being an Indian Giver, but sometimes you have. For instance, when my ex and I broke up, I took the potperri pot that I gave him b/c I didn't want him to use it, especially for hospitality for a new girl. I didn't want her to enjoy the potperri pot like I did.


That's kind of off subject, but there are times in which you have to draw that line. $150 is a lot.


I'd say give it a week or two, if she's still acting out, then return the gift for something less expensive, but if she's sweet to you again, then give it to her.

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See this could be our first and last Christmas together because next year I will be going off to college and I just want this time we have together to be special....it just scares me that it has been so long since she has told me she loves me....I think im losing her but I can't figure out how this all happened.

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Money can't buy love. As much as you want to be sincere with her, the value of your present will have nothing to do with her love for you.


In other words, even if you got her a diamond bracelet from Tiffany's, she might not even cherish it if she does not love you.


Gifts don't really mean much when there's no appreciation or respect for one's love. Some girls who always get great gifts tend to mistreat the things that people give them, and snear at the value of presents.


I'm not sure if she's like that, but even if it is your last X-Mas spent together, you still have opportunities to Fed Ex her presents. It's not really a life and death situation, but I guees go with your heart.


If your heart tells you that you should, then do so. You should always do things from your heart. If she rejects it, then, you'll realize that she's not worth the time/or investment. She's not worthy of your love if you're the giver and she doesn't reciprocate.


I think that you intuitively know the answer to the problem. If she's not saying 'I love You' anymore, then it sounds like she's intentionally putting up a barrier in your relationship.

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i have to agree with mahlina here. $150 is a lot of money & no matter what you get her, its not going to make her love you any more. but if thats what you want, then nothing can stop you. i mean, there's nothing wrong with wanting to spend money on your gf, but you shouldn't feel like you have to. honestly, if my bf was choosing between giving me a $150 gold necklace, or just a framed picture of us together that he made, i would take the framed picture because that would mean more to me than any thing else because there's a part of him in it (& i don't mean in the picture, i mean because he made it & there's nothing else like it so that makes it more special). if you do go through with giving whatever it is that you bought her, & you are afriad she might feel bad about not getting you something so expensive, then just tell her how much she means to you & how her being with you at that special moment is priceless. when i ask my bf what he wants for like his bday, or christmas, he tells me that i don't need to get him anything because me just being there with him is the best gift i could give him & that makes me feel so incredibly special & important. i hope it all works out with you & your gf, just give her some time, im sure she's just exhausted from her vacation & misses her family.

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  • 3 years later...

In other words, even if you got her a diamond bracelet from Tiffany's, she might not even cherish it if she does not love you.


Oh now...let's not be hasty. LOL.


CP, you could either explain right before you exchange gifts that you went kind of crazy when shopping for her (and apologize), or you could take the gift back and get (or make) her something smaller. Is the big gift thoughtful? A thoughtful gift is better than an expensive one, but if the big one is thoughtful and you really want her to have it, I think you should just give it to her but do your best to make her feel comfortable.

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