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my future job/her future job, not 9-5 jobs

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Hello. I'm going to be graduating from college soon and my fiance is going to be going to college working towards her future career. My job doesn't have the typical 9-5 hours and neither will her's. Is it possible for a relationship with the future of children be at all accomplished due to odd hour careers? I think that it can work. Is anyone else in this same type of situation?



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As long as you're both aware of your schedules beforehand, I don't see why not. I was married to a military guy for 10+ years, and I worked some strange hours when he was home, and it wasn't an issue. The big thing is that it's not going to be a shock to either of you, so you're not springing a surprise on each other. I think that's often the worst - is when one or both parties haven't talked and end up with expectations that just don't match the reality due to lack of communication. What you're aware of, and can work around together, shouldn't really be a problem, it sounds like you guys communicate pretty well and would be open to making sure you're both aware of any changes that come up, and that's always a good thing. Since you're already thinking ahead you're doing more than most people do in your situation - you're off to a great start!

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