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Have to see my ex 1 last time..

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If you read my first post about our break up, it was the same old cliche. She found someone else and loved me but wasn't in love with me etc. Unfortunately we have a family plan for the 2 phones we have and i have to cut them off!! It kills me every time i look at the phone! ARG! So i am going to give up my phone to her but have no clue what is going to come out of my mouth when i do see her. I have no idea if rage, anger, sadness, or complete * * * * * * * . I have a ton to say and i have to see her one last time before my heart finally lets go. I think it sucks because i literally gave her everything i had (I have no electronic stuff and no desire for it and everything else i gave up..blah)


I just hope this all goes smoothly and she doesn't see me break down in front of her. That is going to be the hardest thing next to letting her go is seeing her walk away for the last time.

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Do you have to see her? How long ago was the break-up and have you gone NC? Sometimes those raw emotions are hard to control and if you have not given yourself enough time it might be better to just drop the phone off....is it worth the pain or saying something you may later regret?

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