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Should I be weary of a potential player?

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Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has ever dated a man who within one week wants things to be completely exclusive and says he will not sleep with the other women he is seeing and such. I am dating this one guy who I guess Steve will say is a big fish. His past girlfriends were models which he "kept" in a very good lifestyle because he is wealthy. I can't help but think there are red flags popping up with how fast he is willing to commit to me. I even offered to let time pass so that he won't regret committing to me so fast and he said he was sure he wanted to stop sleeping with the other women ( yes we have slept together) . He always says the right things and he even got me a Tiffany bracelet as a whim gift after 3 dates. I don't know if these are signs of a player or not. I keep on thinking that I should not get involved with him because he seems too smooth.Any inputs as to how I should go about this? Also one thing that really bothers me is that his answering machine forwards to a voicemail service. I can't think of any reason for him to have this other than the fact that he doesn't want his "girls"to hear about the others.Can I confront him about this and tell him my concerns or is it too neurotic and early. Any input would be great

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Something to keep in mind as well - if he's used to dating a certain "type" of woman - he's more or less gotten a certain perception of what they want in order to keep them happy. If you're a different type, you're gonna have to gently explain that to him when it comes up, or he won't have a CLUE why what always pleased them doesn't please you.


Just as an example - if he's always dated girls who were very materialistic, if he was gonna give them flowers, it would, of course, be red roses, or orchids, something fancy from a good florist.... and if you're not, you might be more touched by a bunch of handpicked wildflowers on a picnic. So if you like the personal touch as opposed to the only expensive, make sure to give him a clue somewhere, or you'll end up drowning in expensive stuff you really don't want, cause if he thinks you're not pleased, he's likely to think he's not getting you ENOUGH, not that you want something entirely different!

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Would suggest you go on your gut instincts with this one, keep an open mind and a realistic viewpoint. If you want time to ensure his feelings for you then make sure you get it, if he wants to be important to you he will respect this. Try playing it cool for a while, and why not ask him about the answerphone there may be a very simple explanation!

I had a relationship for 5 years with someone who can only be described as a player albeit a now reformed one! sometimes players get fed up with the materialistic, shallow sort of relationship and want something abuit more sincere and fulfilling this guy may be one of those

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