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I really need help, I want to make to make it work


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only reason why it feels * * * * ty is she always calls me, after the party she still hasnt called but whatevr its gonna be ignored anyway..............


You guys may be in a bit of a power struggle here. She may be sitting there wondering why you haven't called, while you wonder why you haven't called. Now, I don't have a crystal ball, and I'm going to guess that she isn't going to ENA for support, she's just relying on herself, and in my mind, that means she's more likely to crack first. Patience, grasshopper.

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I guess we'll see. I really want to call her but im not I just dont have it in me anymore. I'm really willing to sure maturity and change. When I tell her that I say " I cant change right away but i'll try my best and everyday Improve myself" She wants someone perfect. Do you think in a month of NC or LessContact>I should buy her a a gift and kiss her as a last resort ( im probably thinking BAD BAD BAD IDEA) , or just continue the way I am. It hurts because im really changing and she wont give a chance... I feel like im not the one whos worth it u kno...

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I guess we'll see. I really want to call her but im not I just dont have it in me anymore. I'm really willing to sure maturity and change. When I tell her that I say " I cant change right away but i'll try my best and everyday Improve myself" She wants someone perfect. Do you think in a month of NC or LessContact>I should buy her a a gift and kiss her as a last resort ( im probably thinking BAD BAD BAD IDEA) , or just continue the way I am. It hurts because im really changing and she wont give a chance... I feel like im not the one whos worth it u kno...


You are right...BAD, BAD, BAD IDEA!!! Change for yourself...forget about her. You tried to reconcile, she won't hear of it so now walk away and don't look back.

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Makes sense... I shall continue to walk. Realistically speaking, if she wants to come back she will right.


She might not be calling because i called her as B!TCH accidently on thursday, then I said sorry and we even hung out adn then i had to go. But yeah maybe im over analyzing stuff but she hasnt called just bothers me a tad

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