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in a long distance love help me!

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i am 22 years old , me and my fiance Tommy have been steadly going together for 3 years until a year ago when he moved to another state.

we have not seen each other for a whole year everything was going smooth until the deppresion got to the point where is stressing us both out that we dont talk on the phone!


half of my heart says stay other half says leave him- but i dont want to leave him i dont think i will find another love like him


i am madly in love with him and dont know what to do!

shoudl i stay or leave?

i am at a despreate point where i even try to win the lottery! and maybe your wondering why i cant get a job? i just got layed off and he is disabilited that is why


so i am in love with someone millions miles away and cant be with him

so agian what do i do?

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Sorry, I am confused. Is he disabled, as in handicapped?


I'll have to give a combination modern/old fashioned answer to this one. You've been engaged for a year but feel there's a giant ocean between you. Have you considered taking a big, bold step and just moving in with him, with a wedding date set? If your mutual financial status is an issue, well if you're really committed to each other, why not get married at the justice of the peace for 30 dollars and promise to hope to someday have a real wedding, a house, all those things. That's the way our grandparents did it in the "old days." Except they didn't generally move far away and thus didn't need to move in together, plus that was kinda unacceptable.


There's little doubt that the job market is hard now. For many working people, it's almost as bad as it was during the depression. There's no job security. Trying to get a stable career underneath before you marry is likely to put off the wedding indefinitely. Commit to struggling together in life, and you will be stronger for it. If he's willing, I say go for it. If he's not, well then you have an interesting problem to deal with, and I think his unwillingness would say a lot about where you two really stand.

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I was in a long distance relationship and it really hurt my heart. It never worked out.. I had to let go.

You need to decide what you want and go for it. If he can't move or if you can't move, then I suggest moving on with your life. But, if either of you can make changes, you need to commit to them and make solid plans.

Solid plans, not dreams, bring people together.

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