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Valentines Day Help Pwetty Pwease!


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She's fourteen (almost fifteen) and I'm sixteen (as of a month ago). She lives in Saskatoon, I live in Ottawa. AKA we're two provinces away.


So what do I do? Obviously I'm going to get her something, but what should it be? So far I'm thinking that I'll order some flowers and have them delivered to her house, and/or buy her SOMEthing and ship it.


Which raises another difficulty. Is it possible to arrange it so that my gift is delivered on V Day morning or the afternoon before V day?


Please guys I am in need of help, I'm not sure what to get (I want it to be something sweet and cute and romantic) and I need to know about this mail system thing too... thanks in advance!

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Ummm not sure how this relates to my question... but if you must know, I've known her since just before Christmas, and we actually met over Facebook... since we started out two provinces away, you know.


I wanted to know how long you two have been dating because some presents are not appropriate depending on the length of time dating and if you don’t love her, things that say that very sentiment are off limits too.


Okay... hmmm... you like her~ and you met her before Christmas... sweet, romantic and cute....... hmmm.... well if you wanted to make her something~ a c.d. with songs that make you think of her when you she is not there would be very sweet, romantic and cute, or I saw in a movie once~ (Does she drive) you could make her a road trip package so she can come visit you sometime (if you like this I can elaborate). If you just want to buy her something.... how about.... a desk calendar with sweet/romantic messages on it... so every day while she is studying, before she goes to bed she can rip off a new message from you. Or, a little care package for when she is thinking of you, maybe including a teddy she can hug (you can spray your cologne on it), a picture of you, a nice pen/paper stationary kit so she can write you, and maybe something like Hershey kisses that she can reach for when she thinks of you.


I got a million more ideas in this head so if you don’t like these elaborate a little more and maybe I can help!!!

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I know right? ^^ I love her so much....


I think Silver would go with her usual clothing and hair color better.... Gold is almost TOO flashy if you know what I mean.


Go for it and tell me how she flipped out on the phone when she opened it. So sweet!

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