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ok...so i tell this guy that i like him and guess what..he asks some other girl out the next day!! i seriously think that i repel guys or something is wrong with me...see i attract guys that are like 25 but im only 15 and i think that too big of an age difference...i guess the guys my age just think im ugly or something and its sooo frusterating i don't know what to do

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Stacie - I could've written your posts when I was 15! It seems like the only guys that were attracted to me were older men! Well now Im (almost) all grown up and men my age do find me very attractive.


I would suggest not worrying about it so much, spend as much time as you can with your friends.


Good Luck!

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i agree with both these replies for you- i also could have written your post at your age...


don't stress over it... guys your age aren't as mature as girls are... give it time enjoy hanging with your friends... you'll have PLENTY of time to cry and wollow in a pint of ice cream or a box of cookies later in life.... that's what growing up is all about....


good luck and you will knock a guy off his rocker when the right time comes-



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At 15, you probably wouldn't want to find a very serious boyfriend and the boys your age are probably not interested in you because they really aren't mature enough to date yet. The older men spell trouble because they just want to take away your innocence. Also don't see men and boys as a conquest so much, look at them more as a friendship. That may attract them to you more because you won't seem like you need them as much. People like other people to be fairly independent, not dependent.


Older men know that you would depend upon them and not criticize them at all. That is why older men find teenagers attractive. Be aware of that!

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15 is a tough age, specially for a girl, the guys your age are usually immature, and the older guys you are attracted to either turn you down because they think your too immature or to young (legal problems).


So you see, it has nothing to do with how you look, or "repelling" about you. its really your age that kind of makes these guys leave.


once your 18, things will change, still most guys your age will not much appeal to you, but some of those guys that would turn you down now, will not then.


just be carefull with the jerks that just wanna get in your pants and just want to take advantage of you.

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