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Let me ask you this and it might be a very stupid question but I have to know iam very confused right now.



If a a boy ask you to go out with him, you know him but what produces the impulse to say no and reject him? what are the red flags?.


What would be the proper way to get a yes?.


Also why do women hate shyness and loves confidence in a male so much?.


Any help is needed and the clock is ticking

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There could be several reasons for the rejection, the worst being non-attraction. But put that out of your mind....let's just say she is shy and or does not want to ruin what you may have already in friendship. The proper way to get a yes would be perseverance. NO do NOT STALK...just persevere, give it time and ask again, once you are comfortable ask the why nots and such. Saying that women prefer confidence over shyness is stero typing...Some do and some don't. I, myself, do not have a preference. however, when I met my husband he was very shy and here we are 11 years later....so good luck.

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I think there has to be a mutual attraction of some sort. Cleanliness is a biggie for me. I don't care about much else as first impressions, but if a guy seems to not care what he looks like or smells like - then yuk! Things that would turn me off on a first date are -- can he speak proper english, like does he posses the ability to speak proper english, not some form that I can't understand -- If he appears to be a stoner -- how he handles stuff like if a waitress doesn't give quality service -- does he eyeball other women -- does he treat me like a lady, but not like a child -- where is he at in life -- does he seem 'overly' nit picky and neat. I suppose the list could go on, but it would be different for each woman.


I don't think shyness can be compared to confident. My guy is very shy and is hard for him to talk to people he doesn't know, but is totally confident in himself. A lot of times it's the loudmouths that appear to be confident, but are really masking their lack of confidence by being overly social.

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Let me ask you this and it might be a very stupid question but I have to know iam very confused right now.



If a a boy ask you to go out with him, you know him but what produces the impulse to say no and reject him? what are the red flags?.


What would be the proper way to get a yes?.


Also why do women hate shyness and loves confidence in a male so much?.


Any help is needed and the clock is ticking


Well, think of it this way. You don't want to ask out every single girl you meet or know do you? Something about certain girls attracts you to them, and those are the ones you want to date. The same is true for women.

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It awnsers some of my questions but not all.


I have seen some posts by other men who seem to be great but no results at all and they still are very single I know sex appeal matters to most out there but even then sometimes thats not the case.


I keep hearing so much about confidance... what does that mean to a woman?.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aw, boo, im sorry she said no, but she prolly just felt comfortable with you, but just in a friendly way. I love confidence in a guy. I think its because we secretly like to know that a man can stand up for us, that he wont cower away, and that ish is sexy as hell!

Ever wonder why not so good lookin guys have fly lookin girls? its cuz they are confident!

But hey if u a cutie pie, u would have no problem findin another girl

Maybe u should date a shy girl so you seem confident in her eyes...does that make sense?

good luck on stuff

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Aw, boo, im sorry she said no, but she prolly just felt comfortable with you, but just in a friendly way. I love confidence in a guy. I think its because we secretly like to know that a man can stand up for us, that he wont cower away, and that ish is sexy as hell!

Ever wonder why not so good lookin guys have fly lookin girls? its cuz they are confident!

But hey if u a cutie pie, u would have no problem findin another girl

Maybe u should date a shy girl so you seem confident in her eyes...does that make sense?

good luck on stuff


I got a phone number last night from a girl I really fancy alot she is very confident and does read me like an open book.


But if there's anything we both learned about each other and thats we have alot in common with each other. Donno if she is single or not though. but hey i think she is getting the hint.

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