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Help! I really like this guy I've never spoken to!


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Alrighty, theres this guy at school who I like ALOT. The only problem - I've never talked to him! He's very shy around girls, and generally a quiet person. I have no idea how to approach him, or what to say. I want to get to know him some before letting him know I'm interested. What you you think?? Help!

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Do you share any classes or do you see him regularly at school? Do you know any of his friends? A nice breaker for school is obviously something that you both have in common and if thats the same class etc then I would suggest simply going up to him and talking to him about the current assignment, test, exam - whatever is going on at the moment. Then once you've exchanged a few lines about whatever you can introduce yourself, he will introduce himself you can start chatting etc etc.


If shes really shy its important you're not overbearing of course, but ask him if he'd like to talk about any of this school stuff over lunch, or if he'd like to study together sometime.


I know that my answer seems to focus on the school work too much, but I think that its easier to approach someone for the first time when know you've got something in common that you can both talk about.

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sup, esprit? whats interesting about what u said is that it made me realize even more that just as hard as it is for guys like me to approach girls we've never talked to b4, it can be the same the other way around. the old-fashioned way of doin it is the girl will give the guy obvious signals that she's interested like eye contact, smiling at him, stuff like that. after that, then it's the guy's job to go talk to her. in your case, giving him signals might be easier to do if you're in a class with him. but whether u are or not, u can try that. if he doesn't approach u after getting those signals, then that might mean he's either not interested or he's just really shy. and i should know cause there was this really hot girl back in high school that was starin at me during a lunch break, but all my friends saw her lookin at me too, which made me even more shy and i ended up not even starin back at her. most girls won't bother with a guy that's not confident enough to approach them after gettin signals like that. i'm not sure if you're the same way, but if u want, u can skip all that and just be straight-forward with him. get to know him, then ask if he wants to hang out sometime or go to a movie. i wouldn't mind if more girls were like that. lol.. good luck...

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Thanks a bunch for the advice guys. To answer your question inastate, Nope, I have no classes with him. Bummer. I see him a bunch when I'm in the library though, and sometimes he'll he alone and I'll be dying to just go and say hi, but I'm shy. Mostly I'm just worried he'll think I'm really weird because we wont really know each other.


Thanks again.

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He probably won't think anything bad. I know I wouldn't if a girl I didn't know started talking to me...I'd just return the conversation. Remember: if he's mean enough to ignore you or act really irritated, he's not worth pining over anyways. If I was interested in a girl and tried to talk to her and she acted rude, I'd stop worrying about it immediately and move on. You need to focus on the nice, polite people. Hopefully for you, he is one of those kinds of people.

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