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How do i start a convo with him?


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i like this guy ..but we have no classes together and i've never really talked to him before. Though we have had a class together but i didn't really notice him then and aparently he tried to talk to me but i didn't really respond. So he is not going to approach me. I just don't know what to say to him. I'm s really shy person. He's really not but whenever i walk by him he gets really quiet and his friends are always looking at me and poking him when they see me in a hallway...so i think he might like me...but the real issue is how do i start a convo with him???

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First you can just start by saying hi to him when walking in the halls. If you are a shy person some people find it easier to talk maybe over some kind of internet communication service such as msn or aol. Since you are shy it may be difficult for you to talk to him or even look at him, but if you like this guy try to step out of your boundaries and take the next step.


Hope this helps a little bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...


i am not very expert but i like to tell you that you have to give him a chance and you have to try to give him eye contact ... if u will not give chance he i will not come back many guys leave their wish coz they think that they can not attract them very well thank u

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  • 2 months later...

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