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It's so depressing....

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I'm halfway done with college, I get outta school in 4 months and graduate hopefully 7 weeks later after my internship. I'm heading into a pretty tough industry. (the music industry). I've wanted to be an audio engineer since I was 17. I'm 24 now and I'm finding out that I'm struggling with things a lot. The first two months of school I was getting A's and B's and now it's been going downhill since then. I took semester finals 2 weeks ago and I did fairly good. My friend asked me a question and I couldn't even answer it, it was a fairly simple question and I blanked out..I felt like crap. I even asked him "how am I gonna graduate from this school if I don't even know what I'm doing?" I don't know what to do, I just can't quit now (even though I've wanted to) It takes me a lot of repetativeness and understanding in order for me to get things and it seems like my classmates learn at a quicker pace than myself. I dunno know I wanna graduate and do what I love doing.



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well.... as the previous post says.. its stress.... tkae a break for a little while... sort out.. what u know and what u dont quiet understand as well as you'd like to....im at school and coming upto exams .. and im finding it stressful also... do some thing that u enjoy and find fun..... then when uve cleared ur mind of the stress start a fresh... things will seem alot clearer.. turst me !

if u need any more help PM me .. ill be happy to

good luck

nat x x x

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