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Getting her back after 3 year relationship

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I have recently moved abroad to go to College (Im 20) having been in an amazing 3 year relationship. She was my first love and I was hers. We lost our virginity to each other and our relationship was so deep and powerful. She didnt really have any friends because she spent all of her time with me and thereforeeee when I left she found herself extremely lonely and heartbroken. I told her that my home was still with her and that I would come back for all holidays (6months/year) and we agreed to stay together, even though during the month leading up to me leaving she started to distance herself from me because she was insecure and thought that I would find another girl at college.


The day that I left was heartbreaking for me and her. As soon as I landed she called me crying and day after day she cried down the phone and sent me amazing emails saying how much she missed me and how i was "the one". Then, gradually she started distancing herself from me while I was away and eventually (although not making it very clear) she broke up with me. I was devastated and still am (this was a month ago). She started being horrible to me and blaming me for the breakup, I was so confused because I had been "her life" in her words, for the last three years. I have recently found out that she is with someone else, who just so happened to be her only friend before I left. He is completely not her type. Im so hurt, so depressed and dont know what to do. She is continuing being horrible to me at times and then saying things like shes watching me from the stars at night at other times. Ive spoken to her mum and she says that this is just "a stage" or a "flash in the pan", and I think that she had had me there for 3years by her side and that she just needed someone (anyone) to be there with her when she was feeling lonely.


Im sorry for such a long post, but I really need some advice as to what to do. I want her to come back to me, I know that she still loves me, but I dont know whether she will because ill be spending quite alot of time abroad and she is with this new guy (complete idiot). I have cut off contact with her (which has been so hard). Its just so confusing that she has gone from the most caring, loving girlfriend to this person I dont know, who is horrible to me most of the time. She used to talk about marriage and kids and now she doesnt want to talk to me at all......


I love her with all of my heart and would do anything for us to get back together....

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