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Is it a bad sign if...


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I don't miss my boyfriend? We've been together for a year and 3 months and have been living together since we had been going out 8 months. I went back to my home country to visit for winter break. I only went for a week when I normally go for at least 2 weeks. I ended up regretting staying for such a short time because I had so much fun. I had so much fun that I did not miss my SO AT ALL. When I got home, he missed me a lot and kept saying how glad I was to be back and even cheers to it. I had to force myself to say that I was glad to be back and how I missed him. We spent two days together before he went back home in neighboring state. He will be gone a week and yet I still don't miss him. When I try to miss him, I get an almost sick feeling to my stomache. It will be a total of 2 weeks (minus those 2 days) since I have seen him. I am hoping everything will return to "normal" when he gets back but a part of me knows it won't... Sorry for the essay.

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I wouldn't say it's a bad sign, your comfortable with him. You don't live for him, you went away to have fun. Going away just to miss someone is not fun. You where in the 'zone' the happy zone with your family. Go away for a month, start to get bored then you'll miss him. Trying to miss him and you get a sick feeling? Thats because your trying to force yourself to do something that you don't really want to do. As long as your happy together who cares weather or not you miss each other. Although i wouldn't tell him that you didn't miss him, that would just hurt his feelings.

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hmm this is the same feeling my boyfriend had. i was very hurt when he told me that he doesn't miss me. he doesn't know if its because we are always together or he's just comfortable with me. he asked for a "break" so he can have space and time to MISS miss me. but yeah, maybe u and your bf need to have som space between? not see eachother too often?

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