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Need advice, I would like to make contact with my ex

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I have not spoken to my ex since this past July and I have slowly gotten over him. The situation is a long story but basically we have known each other not for a very long time, but we had a very intense fling and kind of *fell* for each other however, I will say it now and say it again, I dont want to be second on his list, I want gold, you know I want THAT.


I have something of his that i have had and I am ready to mail it back to him. I thought along with it I would post a card with a picture of me and my pet in my apartment and just write a nice thank you note like this:


My dearest xxxxx,


I am writing this on Christmas eve thinking what I would say to you if you were sitting here with me and I would tell you that I am forever grateful to you for saving me from my torments. Everything has slowly been revealed to me through time and I now know and understand exactly why things should have been the way they way were.


I am the luckiest person on the planet to have known you and my heart will always be blessed knowing you are looking at the same sky as me.






what do you guys think about sending this note along with the item, a closure statement sort of and my picture, Its a bit of a closure move for me, trust me I dont want to be with someone who does not want to be with me.

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I don't understand. If you haven't spoken to him since July I think he knows that its over. Are you really trying to make some sort of closure or are you just checking up on him to see if hes miserable without you? If you are just trying to return something of his that you have I would just give it to someone who he sees a lot and have them give it to him if you are really concerned about him getting it back.


I'm not trying to be rude, I'd like to help you I'm just trying to figure out what you're intentions are.

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I don't understand. If you haven't spoken to him since July I think he knows that its over. Are you really trying to make some sort of closure or are you just checking up on him to see if hes miserable without you? If you are just trying to return something of his that you have I would just give it to someone who he sees a lot and have them give it to him if you are really concerned about him getting it back.


I'm not trying to be rude, I'd like to help you I'm just trying to figure out what you're intentions are.


I still love him

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My advice would be not to make contact and perhaps reopen old (not so old?) wounds. Allow yourself to get over him then maybe send him a little note see if he feels like going to dinner or go to a movie whatever. The note you were planning to send is not a closure note at all. It is a "I love you and can't stand to be without you" kind of note. Not a good idea if you hope to be friends with him someday.

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