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My god... I feel disloyal.


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Me again... well long story short, I'm starting to get (but nowhere near completely) over that Gr9 who didn't like me that way. I told myself I'd stay loyal to her and keep trying to get her until I got her OR until she moved (because she IS moving in less than a year, which makes me unspeakably sad). But... one of her friends, whom I've never spoken to but who added me on Facebook, is starting to intrigue me.


What is going on? What can I do? I'm aware this is a very general question, so I know answers will be vague at best.

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Uhh, not worry about who your affections are directed at? So as for what you can do, just let it happen. As for what's going on, we call them hormones.


Lol, thaaaanks... I did take Gr7 science, you know.


But I'm not talking about mild "shez hawt lawl", I mean actual attraction... its hard to explain the deferentiation.

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