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My friend doesn't want me to know about new boyfriend


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My friend told me that she just started dating "someone" but she doesn't want me to know about more about him..like where he works, his name or anything. She's being very secretive about this guy to me--she told me that she let her other friend know about him. I can't help but feel betrayed, like she doesn't trust or value me. If I had a boyfriend i'd tell her about him. I might consider distancing myself from her. I don't want to be friends with somebody that is acting so shady

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Sometimes these silly superstitions are important to people. I was like that when applying for a new job. I wouldn't tell ANYBODY as i was afraid i'd jinx it.


Silly, but i still did it.


Let her introduce you on her own timetable.


She might have reason to believe it won't work out and this is a self protective measure.

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