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i feel confused

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hmm ill try n make this short. i posted a bulletin before about feeling under appreciated.

im not feeling satisfied w/ my relationship...

he goes to school an hour away. so we decided we would try to see eachother once a week. and make the travel equal... thats not happening.


my heart is pounding!! we've been together for almost 5 months now. i think im starting to fall in love with him. when we are together i feel great and we really get along.


as the times gone on certain things are starting to annoy me (which i think comes w/ every realtionship). but im feeling like now that we've been dating this long.. its not as important for him to see me. like he doesnt try to make plans with me as much as he used to. (and yes ive make plans with him too). he used to ask me to do something every weekend!! it was great.


i just feel like now im always the one having to make the plans. or change things around, ask for time off work... ect. hes like i need sometime to do hw but he doesnt.. he goes out or plays xbox live. thats fine he want to be with his buds or play video games. but dont say i really gotta do work and dont.


and also i remember when we first started dating he wasnt really into drinking and he did justhave his 21 bday. soo i dunno but i feel like he just wants to go out with his friends to bars and i dont drink soo... im not sure if it just a new thing cause he 21 and im not... but




..i care alot about him and i want to be with him.. but if its going to continue to get worse.. i just dont know??

im feeling neglected in away...


im not ok. and i feel like hes thinking..... im on my own now with school and having my own aprtmnt. im 21 now! have an awesome g/f (he tells me this allll the time). i got the life


should i just talk to him? i dont want to turn into a naggy girlfriend and controlling. because he hated his last girlfriend bc she was like that.. maybe he isnt ready for a girl like me??


any imput....

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I think you need to sit down with him and have a serious heart to heart talk with him. You don't need to be naggy or harsh. Be gentle and kind. Tell him how you feel and try and sort something out. If you both don't communicate well or do things together then there is a chance that the relationship will crumble, so you prevent that to happen!

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