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Leave my job now, or wait for a few months?


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Okay, so long story short I HATE my job. Yes, I do realize how strong of a word "hate" is and yes I still mean that I HATE my job.


I'm in a well paid, high stress, high commission job. I've already decided to leave my job to move back to the east coast and be with the woman I love. However, the plan was to make the move in the spring/summer since both her and I are wrapping some things up and need some time to get those things done. Sorry to be vague, but the "things" are irrelevant to my question.


Prior to today I've been thinking that I'll leave my work in the spring, to coincide with the "big move."


However, today was such a bad day I'm really considering just throwing in the towel and calling it quits. I've got enough money to last me through the spring without working another day. I'd also be willing to work at another lower paying position for some extra cash. The main point would be to get out of the current job I'm in because it causes me so much stress.


So the bottom line is: Do I leave my job now, or wait for a few months?



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Thats a good question. I would say, since it is a financially viable option, that I would choose to leave sooner rather than later. But thats just me. I have a tendency to let things get under my skin and eat me up inside without fully realizing it at the time. So its something I need to always be mindful of, now that I know myself a little better than I used to.

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i think that if it's not damaging you mentally through stress, and the money is good - what's 3 more months of a horrible job compared to what you're going to get at the end of the tunnel?


Think of it this way : I'm doing this for her.


Instead of using your savings and not earning - plus being out of the job market makes it real hard to get back in sometimes - you could be adding to your savings.


Another option : Calm down. I have a fast paced job too, and sometimes I think to myself "you know what I need to take a break or I'm gunna go nuts" - and if you're a good performer - why not let yourself slide to an average one. Less responsibility = less stress afterall. And you may not be making those amazing commissions, but you'll be making something. And every minute you're making money IN work (even if it is less than usual) means you're not going to be OUT spending it..


Totally your choice tho, but I'd stick it out (for the longrun).

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how hard would it be to get another job where you are going? if you are realistically certain that finding another job would not be a problem where you are going, and you are sure you have sufficient funds to last you, you could quit...


however, why not just ramp it back and refuse to play... take your vacation, your sick leave, whatever it takes to keep your sanity... start going to the gym to work off stress etc.


but if there is any chance they could fire you for non-performance, then you are better off leaving on a high note rather than leaving a bad feeling behind. best never to burn bridges if you can help it for the sake of references or a firing on your record when looking for the new job.

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Thanks everyone for your input. After weighing all of the options, responsibilities, worst case scenarios, etc... the wise move would be to try and stay within the same organization, just in a lower stress position. In that way I would be able to stay with the same employer, keep all my benefits, and not have to worry about finding another job. So next week I intend to sit down with the bosses and make my case. That "I love working here, love the people, just want a different role in this great organization. A new challenge, different responsibilites..." Blah, Blah, Blah.


Thanks guys for all of your help.



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